DW Recording: Day 3

Had the opportunity to get the rhythm part of the third song (in the Dream World series,) recorded today.  The song itself is called Willow Green.  There are still some sound artifacts and extra notes in the final take(s)… but, I don’t really want to waste more time on trying to record this one again.  While the song (with lyrics,) is pretty boring… I am still keeping it in the Dream World project because it introduces a character in the story.

Still working on a lighter touch for the various syncopation patterns on electric guitar… someday it will be easier!

DW Recording: Day 2

Ended up having to just re-record the rhythm guitar from Day 1 for Dream.  It’s still not perfect… but, the takes from today turned out a little better.  In the end, I’m realizing how much more I have to pay attention to the groove of the song when recording electric.  Otherwise, it just turns out sloppy and causes nausea.

Also, using a lighter touch is still hard for me to get used to on electric recording.  I guess I just have heavy hands.  It gets to the point where I end up tuning my strings slightly flat so that the notes will be in tune when I hold a note down.  But that’s like only treating the symptoms instead of the disease.

Had the chance to get the rhythm guitar part done (hopefully) for Purpose People, as well.  It’s the next song in the Dream World series…

DW Recording: Day 1

Finally getting the chance to record guitar tracks for the Dream World project.  Been working on outlines for the songs over the past month or two to make things easier.  I like outlines because they give me a chance to map out a song before it’s recorded.

The first song is called Dream.  Like the other songs in this project, Dream was originally an acoustic guitar-based song.  Now when I go to record it using an electric guitar… it just doesn’t have the same punch.  That’s where the drums come in, though, so it should be okay.  But I still have my doubts about electric… haha.

Acoustic guitar is pretty nice for getting ideas down… just like the piano.  They both allow you to play rhythm, bass, and percussion parts all at once.  When the song is arranged later–by using rhythm guitar, bass, and drums–all I am doing is separating (or abstracting,) out the original song into different pieces.

Knowing When to Move On

Sometimes it is hard to let go of things. If one is put into a position of any sort of power, it brings with it a measure of responsibility. Responsibilities may initially be defined in a particular way; but the meaning of responsibility may change over time. Eventually, it may be more responsible to know how to pass along one’s responsibility. And at that point, one can know that it is time to move on.

Webgrind Install Notes

Webgrind is also pretty easy to install.  But, like the previous Xdebug post, some notes for future reference don’t hurt.

On Mac OS X 10.5, I had to change the $storageDir and $profilerDir to the following:

static $storageDir = '/var/tmp';
static $profilerDir = '/var/tmp';

because I did not have permission to write to the regular /tmp folder with my particular user.  This step probably isn’t necessary for most people.

Xdebug Install Notes

Xdebug is pretty easy to install… but listed below are notes for future reference.

First, installed Xdebug by using PECL:

pecl install xdebug

Here is what I ended up putting into my php.ini file:

xdebug.profiler_enable = 1
xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger = 1

And in the case of Mac OS X 10.5, at least, that “/path/to/xdebug.so” turns out to be something like:


Then, just make sure to restart Apache or whatever you are using.

Zend Framework, Xdebug, and webgrind: New Friends

Found out about the debugging and profiling tool Xdebug, today.  It looks like a nice tool for checking out how a web application is performing.  Additionally, there is a pretty nice front-end for Xdebug calledwebgrind” that I’m starting to use.  Pretty nice combination so far.

I’ve also been working with the Zend Framework these days, and I’m realizing that the Zend Framework might be the only PHP framework (or one out of a precious few,) worth using at this point in time.  As a framework, it does have more overhead than plain PHP scripts… but so does any framework; at least to some extent.  So, while I still have the “opportunity” to work with PHP for the time being, I figure I might as well go with something like the Zend Framework.

Even with some initial (very informal and uneven,) memory footprint-based testing between a past CakePHP-based project and my new Zend Framework-based project, the memory footprint appears to be much smaller on the Zend Framework side of things.  CakePHP is still my “go to” framework when using PHP… but, if things continue going well with the Zend Framework work… things may change.