Category Archives: music

DW Recording: Day 44

Added some pretend slide guitar sounds to a song, tonight. Overall, I think the slide sounds help gel the different guitar parts together.

I also realized why it is that some people double-track drum tracks, today.

Still Working on Dream World Part II

It’s been a busy summer. I thought there’d be more time to get this Dream World project recorded and hopefully finished by the end of next year. But, a lot of things came up during the summer… and I’m only just now getting back to the Dream World project.

Been adding detailed drum tracks to songs 11-14 this past week. It’s kinda interesting to hear how songs sound when some drum parts are taken out. It almost seems that even when a drummer isn’t playing… that silence, too, is part of a drummer’s (or a composer’s) toolkit. I guess I’ve never really thought about silence being a musical tool, before.