Added some pretend slide guitar sounds to a song, tonight. Overall, I think the slide sounds help gel the different guitar parts together.
I also realized why it is that some people double-track drum tracks, today.
Added some pretend slide guitar sounds to a song, tonight. Overall, I think the slide sounds help gel the different guitar parts together.
I also realized why it is that some people double-track drum tracks, today.
It’s been a busy summer. I thought there’d be more time to get this Dream World project recorded and hopefully finished by the end of next year. But, a lot of things came up during the summer… and I’m only just now getting back to the Dream World project.
Been adding detailed drum tracks to songs 11-14 this past week. It’s kinda interesting to hear how songs sound when some drum parts are taken out. It almost seems that even when a drummer isn’t playing… that silence, too, is part of a drummer’s (or a composer’s) toolkit. I guess I’ve never really thought about silence being a musical tool, before.
Here’s the tenth chapter of the Dream World story…
Here’s the ninth chapter of the Dream World story…
Here’s the eighth chapter of the Dream World story…
Here’s the seventh chapter of the Dream World story…
Recorded vocals for two old songs (coming up on the third Dream World album,) today. The songs are At the Door and The Letter.
Recorded the rhythm guitar and vocal tracks for the twentieth song (Trying Times) today. It’s a really down-tempo song. Later, I ended up going back and re-recording the vocals for You and I (from yesterday.) Hopefully they turned out a bit better this time.
Vocals for Purple Folder and You and I should be recorded, now. My voice sounded really dry today, for some reason, but as it is already, no part of this recording project seems to be perfect.
Here’s the sixth chapter of the Dream World story…