Category Archives: music

実の香り (The Fragrance of the Fruit)

This song is a draft of the last song on the “Spirit Fruit” music album. It’s a song that goes back through the fruit of the Spirit depicted in the earlier songs on this album. Through this music project, I think I’ve begun to learn that I need a change in my life that only God can do. Thank you for listening to this draft album!

この曲は「Spirit Fruit」という音楽のアルバムからの最後の曲のドラフトです。この曲は前にシェアされた御霊の実を曲で描かれた曲々を軽くまとめる曲なのですね。この音楽のプロジェクトを通して、私は神様だけができるという変化を私の人生に必要としていると学び始めたと思います。このドラフトのアルバムを聴いてくれてありがとうございます!


English Direct Translation:

愛 (Love)

This song is about “love” from the fruit of the Spirit. The song itself includes some verses from the Bible that describe what love is. God’s love is amazing! I hope this song is encouraging for you, and thank you for listening!



English Lyrics:

喜び (Joy)

Another (draft version) song from the “Spirit Fruit” music album is called “Yorokobi (Joy)”. The theme of this song is about “joy” from the fruit of the Spirit that is written about in the Bible. In particular, even when there’s a difficult time in the midst of everyday life, I want to remember the joy that comes from God and continue to walk. I hope this song will be encouraging for you as well. As usual, thank you for listening!

もう一つの音楽のアルバムの「Spirit Fruit」からの曲(ドラフト版)は「喜び」という歌です。この曲のテーマは聖書に書かれた御霊の実からの「喜び」の実についてです。特に、日々の生活の中に難しい時があっても、神様からの喜びを覚えて、歩み続けたいのですね。この曲があなたにも励みとなるといいですね。いつも通り、聴いてくれてありがとうございます!


English Lyrics Translation:

Summer Sky – Behind the Scenes

This is a “behind the scenes” video for an older song called “Summer Sky”. It might sound like a sad song—and in some ways, it is, but I think part of the original meaning of the song was to think about Heaven (in the chorus part of the song). But before that, in this life there are a lot of troubles and trials, memories, concerns about friends, and pride. But I trust the Lord will continue to work out His plans even when it’s hard to see the pathway ahead.

これは「Summer Sky」というちょっと古い作曲の「舞台裏」というビデオです。悲しい歌みたいですが、ある意味でやっぱり悲しい歌ですが、この歌の本来の意味は(曲のコーラスのところには)天国について考えることだったと思います。しかし、その前に、この世には色々な問題と試練・思い出・友達に関する心配事・高慢ということもありますよね。それでも、目の前の道は見にくいのに、主は御計画を果たし続けると信じているのです。

忠実 (Faithfulness)

This new song is about the fruit of the Spirit called “faithfulness”. It helps me to look up at Jesus’ example, because I’m not very faithful at times. I’m still amazed at the obedience of Jesus even unto death on a cross. I hope this song is helpful for you, too!



English Lyrics (Direct Translation):

夕焼けまで (Until the Glow of Sunset) – Behind the Scenes

This is a song that tries to show the desire of wanting to obey God’s Law and to remember His Word. I think the lyrics of this song were written after reflecting on various passages of Psalms from the Bible. Even though I often fail, the lyrics of this song still describe the attitude I want to have with God’s Help. Thank you for listening!


Older not Wiser – Behind the Scenes

This is a fairly old song that reflects a little on challenging times in life. At the same time, this song is a reminder for me to keep seeking God’s kingdom and His righteousness. I hope this song can somehow be useful for you, too. Thank you for listening!


God Is Love – Behind the Scenes

This is a new song about God’s love. I’m really thankful for His love. I know I would be lost without His love and grace in my life.


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Voluntad (Will) – Behind the Scenes

I’ve recently been working on rewriting an older song in Spanish called “Voluntad” (which means “Will” in English). It’s a song about how I desire to hear God’s voice and to know His will. Thankfully, His will is shown throughout the Bible. I want to learn how to hear His voice.

Recentimiente, yo he han escribiendo otra vez un canción viejo en español se llama “Voluntad” (que significa “Will” en ingles). Este canción es sobre como yo deseo a oír el voz del Dios y conocer El voluntad. Agradaciemiente, se puede ver la voluntad del Dios en la Biblia Santa. Quiero aprender como oír el voz del Dios.

– Spanish writing checked with Google Translate

柔和 (Gentleness)

Here is another new song draft from the “Spirit Fruit” music album. This song is about the fruit of the Spirit known as “gentleness”. I wanted to reflect on the theme of gentleness and meekness in this song. I also wanted to convey a desire to spend more time with my Shepherd (Jesus) and to have more of God’s gentleness in my life. Thank you for listening if you have time!

これはもう一つの「Spirit Fruit」という音楽のアルバムからの新作曲のドラフトです。この歌は御霊の実からの「柔和」という実についてです。この歌には、柔和というテーマについて反省したかったのですね。また、私の羊飼い(イエス・キリスト様)ともっと時間を過ごしたいことと神様の柔和を私の人生にもっとほしいという気持ちをこの歌に伝えたかったのですね。お時間があれば、聴いてくれてありがとうございます!

柔和 (Gentleness) Draft


English Lyrics (direct translation):