I’m happy to have the chance to share another new song! This one is called “Sunshine Walk”. It’s a song that contemplates the tension between being able to enjoy everyday blessings in life while also being concerned about fellow believers in Jesus who are facing persecution. But after the pondering, the song closes with a message of encouragement.
This is a newly-recorded song called “Sunrise to Sunset” and is also from the Spring 2020 music album. It’s a song that deals with moving away from winter to spring—both in this life, but also in light of eternity with Jesus. I’m looking forward to the new heaven and new earth (Revelation 21:1 ESV), but wanting to look to Jesus along the way, too.
これは「Sunrise to Sunset」という新しく録音された作曲で、これも「Spring 2020」という音楽のアルバムからの歌です。この世にも、永遠にイエス様と共にも、冬から春へという移動することについての曲です。僕は新しい天と新しい地(ヨハネの黙示録21章1節 口語訳)を楽しみにしていますが、その時まで(また、その後でも)、イエス様を見上げ続きたいのですね。
This is a simple music video for the song called “Seek First”. This song tries to share some of what Jesus taught (verses from Matthew Chapter 6 in the Bible about not worrying about food, drink, and clothing and about seeking God’s kingdom and His righteousness). Thank you for listening!
When I think about this song project, it’s a feeling of excitement! This song shares a little of what Jesus taught about the Heavenly Father’s provision and about not worrying over food, clothing, and drink. Here is a translation of the lyrics of the song:
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? […] For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:25,32-34 from the NIV Bible translation)
This is a new song called “Narrow” that is based on Matthew 7:13-14 from the Bible. It’s a passage that explains how, in life, the gate that leads to destruction is big, its road is wide, and many people fall into it. But there is also a gate that leads to life, but it is narrow and its road is thin/hard, and there are few people that find it (from Kougoyaku and ESV Bible translations). Jesus says: “Enter by the narrow gate …” (Matthew 7:13 ESV) and has also said, “I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.” (John 10:9a NIV) … I believe Jesus. Thank you for listening!
Musically-speaking, I think this 2022 was a super busy year, but I would like to share one more original song called “The Hard Times” with this post. This is a song that laments my own failings and ponders the hard times of life. Even still, the song is meant to end in a hopeful way, pointing to how I can run to Jesus in the hard times and how He knows what’s going on in life. Thank you for listening and for your kindness over this past year! May God also bless you in 2023!
音楽的に言えば、この2022年は超忙しい一年だったと思いますが、この投稿でもう一つの作曲「The Hard Times」という曲を発表したいと思います。この曲は自分自身の失敗を惜しんだり、人生の辛い時を反省したりするという曲です。それでも、イエス様のもとへ駆け出したり、彼は人生にて何が起こっているかということをご存知であったりすることを伝えようとしていて、希望を持つという曲ですね。この曲を聴いてくれて、またこの一年間を通して、ご親切さを示してくれてありがとうございます!神様の祝福が2023年にも皆さんの上に溢れますように!
Sometimes in life, there are unexpected moments that flash by so fast that you’re not ready and you fail. This new song is about that. Thank you for listening, if you have time!
This is a draft recording for a new song called “Another Warm Embrace”. It’s a song about challenges in life, but it also tries to convey the desire of wanting to spend time with the Lord. Thank you for listening, if you have time!
As usual, here is another song recording from the past Fall Festival 2022 event. It’s called “Kanyou (Patience)”, and reflects on: God’s patience, the fruit of the Spirit, wanting to be more patient, and praises the Lord for His patience. I really like how the song turned out from the 3:37 minute mark to the end (though with mistakes)! Thankful to God about that. Thank you for listening!
Here is another recording of a simple song performed at the Fall Festival 2022 event. It’s called “Heian (Peace)”. There are a lot of mistakes in the performance, but I hope the song itself is at least encouraging! Thank you for listening if you have time, even if only to a little of the song!