Picking Up Where

… things were left off on an old music album project from 2008, this week. It is something I put off for too much time and there has been so much time given to me recently that it seemed evident it was time to work on something constructive.

This album is called “Before the Harvest” and has some fall-related songs and some regular songs, but I’m not sure how soon it will be done if at all. Things have been going well, though, with adding drums, bass guitar, and some electric guitar to the 2008-recorded guitar and vocals. It is strange to work on something with such a long gap in the actual recording… but it has been interesting.

So thankful to God for the time to work on this project once again. Also thankful to Andrew Nagatori who spent a lot of time listening to me try to get a better recording over many takes when he did a lot of the early recording for this project.

One song on this project is called “Air Balloon”. It’s a simple song, but here is a glimpse at what it might sound like (pre-mixing, etc.) in the future if you have time to listen.