Calling of Simon

After many attempts, I’ve settled on version 9.x for the Calling of Simon mix. The goal of this mix was to create more separation between the various instruments and tracks. That goal continues to elude me… but my ears want to tell me I’m getting closer.

The biggest change in this final version (as compared to the almost-final-version that was posted originally on FB,) is the piano track. I wish I could keep the crisp, original track as it was recorded for the final version of this song’s mix… but for whatever reason (frequency fights, velocity problems, etc.) I found myself getting tired of hearing the harsh, repetitive pinging of notes from a sampled instrument. In an effort to avoid these problems, I ended up reshaping the piano tone into something different… and from what I can tell, the change in tone has helped to better separate the piano from the rest of the tracks. But there is still more that could be done!

The song (and lyrics) can be found on the Music Scrapbook… or on SoundCloud (for the time being.)

Calling of Simon Mixing Notes

With the mixing of Calling of Simon, I’ve been trying to branch out into different mixing techniques (“different” as in: not trying to hide the mix in a glossy, mid-range mess…)

These techniques have involved:

  • using delay and reverb for vocals (rather than relying on a channel strip preset)
  • cutting out low end frequencies from the reverb-saturated piano
  • cutting out boomy low end frequencies from the bass
  • breaking up the drum group track into individual drum tracks

But I’ve faced problems with:

  • finding mysterious frequencies that hurt my ears (and these might be caused by unnecessarily-boosted mid-range EQ frequencies… but still trying to locate the source)
    • helped: by using a compressor/gate on the master aux to act as a “catch-all” for any harsh frequencies missed in the individual tracks
  • flattening the vocals… how do the pros do this?
    • helped: by using a compressor/gate to help with smoothing out the vocals
    • helped: by panning the vocals to hard left and hard right to take away the “in-your-face” aspect of the vocals and allow the vocals to sit better in the mix
    • still need to add more automation for the loud parts of this song, though… and find a way to cut out the light distortion happening from the mid-range vocals eq… (might try out different attack settings with the compressor, too.)
  • taming the high-end EQ of the drums without making the drums sound like they are being played in a bit-crushed cave

Calling of Andrew

Finally had the opportunity to finish up the latest mix for the first (of five) songs from the end of last year. School got in the way of finishing these sooner… but I wanted to try to have these mixes sound easier on the ears than any previous recording I’ve had the opportunity to mix. Though even after spending so much time on the arrangement and mix, I still wish certain parts could be done differently…

The first song, Calling of Andrew, is from the album The Calling and follows the events of John 1:35-42 where Andrew meets Jesus and soon invites his brother (Simon) to meet Jesus.

The song (and lyrics) can be found on the Music Scrapbook… or on SoundCloud (for the time being.)

Maybe いい加減 isn’t so different after all…

Phrases that use いい加減 (e.g. いい加減にしろ!) have often been a mystery to me. According to one dictionary, at least, there were so many possible meanings this phrase could have:

  1. irresponsible; perfunctory; careless;
  2. lukewarm; half-baked; halfhearted; vague;
  3. reasonable; moderate;
  4. considerably; quite; rather; pretty;

But which meaning makes the most sense in general usage?

It wasn’t until just recently that I’ve noticed that when 加減 is used in the phrase: 手加減をしない (when used as a way to explain the phrase: 容赦ない,) it appears to be used to indicate “not [going] easy on someone” or “not [being] reasonable“.

When used in this way, the phrase いい加減にしろ! seems to make more sense in that the particle に is helping to indicate that the speaker using the phrase wants the listener to “make [it] reasonable!”

In this way, narrowing down the context of how and when a phrase is used can begin to help with piecing together language puzzles such as いい加減.

The Long Term Use of V + 〜ている

In my studies, lately, I’ve been realizing how widely used the combination: verb (V) + 〜ている really is within the Japanese language. When I was younger, I mostly understood this combination to be a way to say phrases that end in “ing” (i.e. eat-ing, drink-ing… where the actual act is happening at that very moment… something short term,) without truly realizing that this combination is used for much more. These other meanings, however, are easily absorbed (indirectly) over time through common and set phrases… to the extent that it can be easy to gloss over the usefulness of this sort of grammatical combination.

Most recently, however, I’ve been amazed at just how common this V + 〜ている form is within Japanese. For example, if I want to say “I remember”, I would probably use something like 覚えている. Seeing and hearing the V + 〜ている combination is pretty common… but for some reason it has taken me many years to come to this realization: V + 〜ている can often be used for (relatively) long term purposes, as well as short term purposes…

Mr Angel’s Going Away Dinner

Title: Mr Angel’s Going Away Dinner




MR ANGEL, MR THESIS, NIKO and JONATHAN are gathered around a table at a Korean restaurant for Mr Angel’s going away dinner on an unusually cold autumn evening. The waitress walks over to the table and begins to place the ordered feast items on the restaurant table.


(passing things down the table)

Oh, wow, this is a lot of stuff...




Mr Angel, you don’t normally have this type of food, right?


Yeah, I try to avoid eating beef and things, lately, but sometimes...


This looks so good...


(to the waitress, in Korean)

Thank you!

The conversation continues as the meat grills. Meat and grease shine as flames rise and fall, casting shadows on the bowls of pickled and prepared sides. Mr Thesis’ wedding once again becomes the topic of conversation.


(to Mr Thesis)

So... how did you guys meet, again?


Oh, we were introduced by Father Foggy...


And we were married by the Father!


Everyone has to talk to the Father, ha ha.



What about you, Jonathan?


... you have to ask the Father, ha ha.

Some time passes and the barbecue comes to a close.


So, guys, I’m getting the garage sale ready for this weekend. I’m getting everything ready and it should be ready to go by Friday evening. Do you... do you think you can make it...?


Sounds good, man; I’m not sure if I can make it, but...


That’s cool; what time, again?


I’m aiming for five or six o’clock... I’m tellin’ you, it will be a blowout sale. Everything must go! ha ha ha...

The four make their way to the door after paying for the meal. They walk out the front doors of the restaurant and say their final goodbyes as the bitter cold continues its relentless, untimely advance.


Please Help Me

Title: Please Help Me




JONATHAN is writing a letter to MASTER in the late hours of the night. A monotone candle lights the ceiling of the small cell.


(writing letter)

Master, it has been a long time. I’m sorry I have not listened well, lately; I find myself distracted all too easily. Often trying to lean on my own strength, but it has not taken me very far. Temptation of stagnation, fear of missing out, and selfishness plague my months. I am wounded but not crushed, my self-conceited pride is continually revealed. That I would hear your mission, please help me. That I would not appear self-righteous, please help me. That I would hear your voice, please help me. Yours, Jonathan

Outside the Box

Title: Outside the Box




JONATHAN is trapped in a hallway corner between two different groups of people.


(inner thoughts)

Still not sure if I should go inside to The Assembly...

Jonathan cautiously looks through the neighboring double door glass windows; various states of attention and distraction can be seen in the crowd of listeners inside.


(inner thoughts)

Interesting view from back here... outside the box...

XI SHI abruptly walks out of the dining room and passes by Jonathan with a quick high five.


(in Japanese)

Doing okay?


(in Japanese)

Doing alright;

XI SHI continues to walk into The Assembly while Jonathan checks his phone. After a few more minutes, various conversations begin to form as the meeting in The Assembly comes to a close. The doors open as people begin to filter out of The Assembly.


(inner thoughts)

Guess I don’t have to decide, now...

MRS STYLIST is among the people walking out of The Assembly and stops to chat with Jonathan.


How’s it going, Jonathan?


Oh, it’s going alright...!


Did you have a good Thanksgiving?


Yeah, it was kind of a small Thanksgiving, but it was nice. How was yours?


Oh, it was good. We got to see our kids and their families...

Mrs Stylist takes out a photo of her grandchild.


Wow, growing up so fast; sounds like it was a good time!


Yeah, it was; well, I better get going, but I hope you have a good week!


You too!

Jonathan cautiously makes his way into The Assembly. The FATHER comes over to chat.


(in Japanese)

Doing alright?


(in Japanese)

Doing alright; just a little busy, lately...


(in Japanese)

Oh, busy, I see;


(stutters in Japanese)

Yeah, final tsts--final tests...


(in Japanese)

Oh, right; well, hang in there!

Jonathan turns around to talk with the FLORIST who is standing nearby.


And I’m glad you’re here; the ties for Mr Thesis’ wedding are going to be silver... and they will be provided.


That’s great to hear; I don’t actually have a silver tie...


Okay; and here’s how the wedding layout is going to look--

Jonathan and the Florist begin to walk around The Assembly room while the Florist explains where the wedding plans will take place. At some point, BALLERINA walks by and the Florist pauses for a moment.


Oh, and have you decided on if you’d like a brooch or a corsage for the wedding?


(dancing around)

Oh, wow, that’s great! Maybe a corsage? I’ve never had that kind of corsage, before...!

The Florist is all smiles.



After a while Jonathan and the Florist walk back to the side of the room.


So what are you up to?


Oh, just hanging out until AINOKEA gets...

Just then, AINOKEA walks through the entranceway of The Assembly dressed in a trendy scarf and warm-looking winter jacket.


Hey, what’s up?

Standing in the Middle

Title: Standing in the Middle




JONATHAN slowly walks across the grass toward the front entranceway of The Steeple as a late fall mist floats softly to the ground.


(inner thoughts)

Almost late again...


Jonathan steps inside the front doors of The Steeple and is unexpectedly greeted by a smiling KOBE amongst a crowd of youth.


(shakes hands with Jonathan)



(inner thoughts)

Are we friends now? Or...

Jonathan slips past the crowd and grabs a drink of water from a nearby drinking fountain. Jonathan soon finds himself included in another group when NIKO turns to Jonathan.


(ever smiling)

How’s it going, Jonathan?


Oh, same as usual; how are you?


(still smiling)

I’m doing alright;

The conversation continues for a while until Niko begins to motion toward MR ANGEL.


Hey, this is Mr Angel’s last week before he moves... so you should probably talk or something before he leaves. Maybe we can have dinner this week or something?


It’s already that time? Yeah, that’d be cool;

Jonathan eventually walks over to catch up with Mr Angel... and soon the SAILOR joins the conversation. Jonathan ends up facing toward the dining room where a studious Willow and others can be seen hanging out at the dining room tables.


So, yeah, I’m just trying to get everything sold before I leave, you know?


Hey guys. Yeah, I know what you mean...

The four continue to chat for a while and the conversation eventually ends up on the topic of technology.


It’s like those new 4Ks, right? 4,000 dollars, ha ha ha!


Oh yeah;

Mr Angel looks over at the Sailor with a smile.


You like those 4Ks, too?

The Sailor pauses for a moment...


Nah, you know, I’m just not a tech guy...


You were doing pretty well there for a while, though, ha ha!


I know, I just had to keep hangin’...

The conversation eventually begins to die down as Mr Angel and Niko take off. Jonathan walks over to the entrance of The Assembly, where the meeting in The Steeple is taking place.


(inner thoughts)

I’m so late now, though... I wonder if I should even go inside...

Jonathan stands outside the doors of The Assembly, glances at his phone, and begins to listen to the Father’s voice drifting from The Assembly to his right while conversations from the dining room echo to his left. The sound of affected accents fill the dining room as XI SHI and FOLLOWER happily play along.


(inner thoughts)

Wait, how did I get trapped in this hallway corner? If I leave now, the Father will see me leave... and if I walk past the dining room, I’ll be seen by Xi Shi and the others. So awkward; standing in the middle.

Online Dev

As much as I hate to talk about tech/programming… just wanted to note that I’ve been using Nitrous.IO to develop a Rails application for a database class… and it’s been great! Nitrous.IO is some sort of virtualized server/IDE for developing applications via a web browser; pretty convenient!

But, as for anything, I’m not sure if I’d be willing to use this type of service for more than anything non-essential (because of questions related to overall security, reliability, and backup plans…) but I can definitely see browser-based coding becoming the way people develop web and mobile applications in the near future.

The local machine, no longer.