Here’s the second chapter of the Dream World story…
Category Archives: music
DW Recording: Day 33
Recorded the rhythm guitar part for a song today, for the Dream World project. It’s getting easier…
Christmas Gift 2011
This post is a couple of days late… but, just wanted to say that the Christmas Gift for this year is finished and out on the Internet. As always, thank you for listening…! Here are some links on how to get the music… and the liner notes:
Workin’ on the Christmas Gift
I kind of just realized that it’s Christmas time. Last week. Not sure if I’m going to be happy with how the Christmas album turns out this year… (if it even gets finished,) but it’s getting there. Still have to record vocals for half the songs… in the next two days… and then get the arrangements and mixes all finished.
With these type of albums, I like to try to experiment a little… though they probably sound all the same to listeners. Just trying out different songwriting and arrangement techniques. Almost there…
Dream World: Chapter 1
It took a while in getting ready… but I think the first chapter of the Dream World music story is ready to be released. The story will probably be confusing… but, that’s part of the intrigue, I suppose. Thanks for listening~! Here goes nothing:
DW Recording: Day 32
This recording is taking forever… but, I think I got the vocals recorded for song number 14 (Muddy Ditch,) today. It’s scary to think about how much my voice has changed over the past two years. These songs were mostly written back then… and now, when I try to sing some of the parts… it’s just sad. I don’t really know why… other than age, I guess.
As far as actually getting the songs out… like I said on the main website, I’m hoping for a November release of Dream World: Part I. Still probably going to try releasing one song at a time (maybe one song a week,) so that I can get the songs out… but still be somewhat happy with how the final result comes out for each song.
DW Recording: Day 31
Thanks in part to the day off, the rhythm part for song number 14 (Muddy Ditch,) was recorded today. Haven’t played guitar in a while… but using light electric guitar strings does have some good sides, haha.
Unfortunately, I’m getting away from a normal narrative in some of these recent songs. The first album is fairly clear in conveying some sort of storyline… but when the second album comes around, the songs begin to get a bit more abstract. I still want the story to make sense to the listener… but I have the feeling that the second part will just be confusing.
Ah well; if it gets to be a problem, I’ll just change out some songs.
DW Recording: Day 30
Day 30 of recording the Dream World project. I had the opportunity to get the vocals recorded for song number 13 (Like a Shadow,) today. Kind of hard to get back into the emotions of a two year old song… but, I hope it sounds authentic in the end. Now it’s back to recording guitar for a little while…
DW Recording: Day 29
Recorded vocal parts for the twelfth song (Mother of Waters,) in the Dream World series, tonight. I wish I hadn’t written down so many syllables in the verses… because it quickly became hard to sing without running out of breath, haha. Even while taking breaths before each new line of words… it was challenging; not sure what I was thinking when I wrote the lyrics. It’s like my brain is not in contact with my body, sometimes. Communication, body, communication!
DW Recording: Day 28
Had time to get vocals recorded for song number 11 (Lonely Girl,) tonight. It’s the first song on the second part of the Dream World project; a new start for the next album. I have the feeling that the second album won’t vary (musically,) very much from the first part… but each song continues to tell the story that is Dream World.
Other than vocals, I’ve been working on arrangements for the first album (Dream,) lately. Still aiming for getting it all done by sometime in November.